45683968 Unique Bible Answers, by David King, MD Where did God come from?
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Have you ever had a Bible question that your pastors, your Sunday school teachers, your Bible study leaders and even your local Seminary professors could not answer in a way that satisfied you?  I have.  So, what do you do?  You go onto the Internet and then discover that the top Christian websites couldn’t give you a satisfactory answer either.  This used to happen to me all the time, and I think I’m not the only one who has experienced this frustration.


For instance, when we Christians ask the question, “Where did God come from?”, many of us are not looking to be told, “God is eternal, has always existed and never had a beginning.”  We all know and believe that answer, yet despite our Christian faith, many of us find that answer to be somewhat less-than-satisfying. Even if you google, “Where did God come from?” on the Internet (as I did in April of 2017), every single Christian website listed (nearly 200) all essentially gave that same answer. (Of the remaining very few websites, 3/4 were Islamic (all of which said, “Allah is eternal with no beginning”) and the rest were all atheistic and said, “God does not exist.”)  


Evidently, no one has any explanation for how an eternal God with no beginning could have come into existence in the first place and still be eternal with no beginning.  But since there are nearly 200 Christian websites that answer the question, “Where did God come from?” with essentially the same traditional answer, “God is eternal, has always existed and never had a beginning”, I conclude there must be thousands of Christians out there who are still asking that question, many of whom may still be looking for a more satisfying answer.


So, what makes my Christian website so different from all the other Christian websites


Well, my website doesn’t just tell you things like, “God has always existed and never had beginning” and then leave you hanging and wanting something more.  Instead, my website is the only website I know that actually provides a step-by-step process by which an eternal God with no beginning might have come into existence in the first place and still be eternal with no beginning.  (That alone would make my website to be different from all the others, right?) 



And when we Christians who already believe in the Trinity want additional understanding about how it is possible for three living beings to be just one living being at the same time, we might ask, “How could the Trinity be three living beings in one God?” But when we ask this question, many of us are not looking for the traditional answer that simply says, “The Bible teaches us that God is three persons in one God, but doesn’t tell us how or why this happened.” Again, we already know and believe that traditional answer, but we hunger to know even more about the nature of the Trinity and we find the traditional answer to be somewhat limited in the information it presents and therefore less-than-satisfying.  So instead, my website describes a possible origin of the Trinity so the Christian can understand a process by which our eternal, inseparable Trinity with no beginning might have originally become an eternal, inseparable Trinity with no beginning in the first place.  Thus, the mystery of the Trinity is solved by understanding the origin of the Trinity.  (That would also make my Christian website to be different from the others, too, right?)


And when Christians ask the question, “Where is the location of the Kingdom of Heaven?”, my website doesn’t give the standard answer, “No one knows.  The Bible doesn’t tell us.”  Rather, my website provides you with 11 lines of reasoning from the Bible that all point to the same location for the Kingdom of Heaven.  (That’s also different, right?)



When Christians ask the question, “What did Jesus write on the ground in John 8 when Jesus said, ‘Let him who is without sin cast the first stone’ and then set the adulteress free?”, the traditional answer is, Most scholars believe he wrote the sins of the Pharisees on the ground; but no one really knows what Christ wrote on the ground because the Bible never tells us”. 


But my website does not give that traditional answer.  You see, when Christ accused the Pharisees of various sins, he never accused them as individuals.  He always accused them as a group, and all that did was to make them more angry.  So if what Christ wrote on the ground that day was merely accusations of the Pharisees as a group, it would have accomplished nothing.   On the other hand, Christ could never accuse any particular individual Pharisee of a particular sin unless he was a personal eyewitness to that sin, otherwise Christ himself would be committing the sin of slander and Christ himself could then be placed on trial for slander. (Remember, just because the Father may have told Christ exactly which Pharisee committed which particular sin does not automatically make Christ a personal eyewitness to that sin, and God's own laws specify that you must be an eyewitness to a particular sin in order to give testimony about that sin in a trial.) Therefore, if what Christ wrote on the ground that day represented only accusations of the Pharisees' sins as a group, it would not have worked.  It would only have made the Pharisees more angry. They would not have left the trial and they would have continued to press Christ to pass judgment on the adulteress.  On the other hand, if Christ wrote on the ground the specific sins of particular Pharisees as individuals, then Christ himself would be committing the sin of slander because Christ was not a personal eyewitness to those sins.  So the Church's traditional answer to the question, Most scholars believe he wrote the sins of the Pharisees on the ground" cannot possibly be correct. 

By contrast, my website explains (#1) that what Christ wrote on the ground that day would so frighten the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law that each of them would be compelled to immediately leave the trial, and explains (#2) why Christ wrote it on the ground instead of speaking it out loud, and explains (#3) why the Pharisees could never have anticipated what Christ was going to write on the ground, and explains (#4) why the traditional teaching of the Church will continually prevent our Church leaders from ever guessing what Christ wrote on the ground.  (That’s also different, right?)



And when Christians ask, “How could an all-loving God command Joshua to commit genocide of all the Canaanites?”, the official Christian answer is always something about God’s justice, like, 

"The child-sacrifice type of idolatry of the Canaanites

was so offensive to God and would be so corrupting

to the Israelites that God’s Holiness, Righteous and

Justice required Joshua to commit genocide of the

entire Canaanite population. 


But the Christian questioner is not asking about God’s HolinessRighteousness or Justice; he is asking about God’s love.  He is really asking,

“Couldn’t an all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving God

find a better solution for the Canaanite child-sacrifice

idolatry problem that was more in the character of God

as an all-loving God, rather than killing all the innocent Canaanite babies and killing all the younger Canaanites

that had not yet worshipped idols?”


So, rather than giving an answer that focuses on God’s justice, my website gives an answer that focuses on God’s love, and provides the only answer I know that explains how God's command for Joshua to kill all the Canaanites was actually the most loving solution for the idolatrous Canaanites themselves and also the most loving solution for the innocent Canaanite babies and children as well.  (That’s also different, right?)




Some Christians ask,

      “Does everyone in hell get the same punishment?” 


In other words,

“How could an all-loving God prescribe the identical

“one-size-fits-all burn-in-hell-for-all-eternity” punishment

for everyone, from those with the greatest total sins like Satan, Mao Zedong, Stalin and Hitler, to those with the

least total sins, like some young 20-year old virgin girl who never smoked, drank, or did drugs, and who never heard

the gospel, but who was burned to death while rescuing someone else from a burning building?”


But again, the answers they hear or read are essentially all the same, emphasizing God’s justice and holiness but not God’s love. So, rather than teach any of these things, my website provides all the Bible verses that actually prove that hell is not a one-size-fits-all burn-in-hell-for-all-eternity punishment for everyone, but instead is a totally individualized, eternal, “eye for an eye, reap onto yourself exactly what you sowed back on earth" afterlife punishment​, and therefore is only one eye for an eye, not a thousand eyes for an eye.  (That’s different, right?)




Sometimes Christians ask,

    “Do people who commit suicide automatically go to hell?” 


And while there are indeed a greater variety of answers to this question, I believe that no discussion about whether those who commit suicide go to hell is complete unless that discussion includes all seven suicides in the Bible and the fact that not all of them went to hell.  (That’s different, right?)




Many Christians have wondered,

“Did Jesus favor the Old Testament death penalty or

did Jesus overrule the Old Testament death penalty?”

Most Christians conclude that Jesus overruled Jehovah's Old Testament death penalties when Jesus set the adulteress free by saying, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." (John 8:7) But if this were true, then why did Jesus appear to recommend (or at least condone) the death penalty for those who merely cursed their parents in Matthew 15:4 and Mark 7:10, by saying, "For God said, 'Honor your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.'"?  (That's certainly a different approach to the question than you expected, right?)




So, with these 8 examples in mind, I hope that you will find my website to be a resource for non-traditional answers to common Bible questions

Note: I am a born-again Christian and I believe in all the major doctrines of Christianity, like salvation by grace through faith in Christ's shed blood on the cross, etc.  However, my website does not focus on these core teachings of Christianity, because there are already so many other excellent Christian websites that exist that deal with such important issues, like gotanswers.org (for common Bible questions), patheos.com (for general Christian topics) or answersingenesis.org (for issues concerning Creation vs Evolution), just just to name a few.  So, if you have a Bible question about the essential major teachings of Christianity, there are many better, larger, older and more well-developed Christian websites for you to visit than this one.  My website focuses only upon the peripheral issues of Christianity—issues that are far less important than the major doctrines of the Christianity, like salvation, etc. The reason I focus on these peripheral issues is that I believe the traditional teachings of the Church on the minor, more peripheral, and even puzzling doctrines of Christianity are frequently incorrect and often just the opposite of what the Bible actually teaches. 

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